
I finally got my first vaccination. For the longest time, we only had the Sinovac vaccination. I was going to get it until I found out Canada does not recognize it as legal tender. Trying to find information in a country where you don’t speak the language is a challenge.

There is a government-run website for locations to et the vaccination near you, but again, all in Spanish. They all have a link to Google maps, which are little more than a cruel joke here. However, I found out there is Pfiser here, so I set off with a few locations and directions. Read: absolute no directions at all.

I checked at the college which was supposed to be a clinic but no one seemed to know what I was saying, and care even less. I asked a lad sitting out front about it and he was more helpful. He told me in Spanish directions to the Red Cross, or Cruz Roja.

I set off, optimistic as I am somewhat familiar with the neighbourhood. I got about two blocks and heard some shouting. My lad had decided to tag along.

I’ll mention now this kid, well, not a kid, per se, but he was missing a large section of his right arm and at least one finger from the other hand. He also seemed to have a prosthetic foot.

While we walked he told me he had been electrocuted. He showed me his torso, full of scars. I swore quite a bit and then in my broken Spanish said he was lucky to still be alive. Amen, he replied.

We got to Cruz Roja, which I never would have found on my own. I can always ask for directions and often do, bit people are not always forthcoming.

We got in and I filled out the paperwork. My fnew friend knew a bit of English so we sailed through. I was a bit daunted when I saw a lot of people waiting until I remembered that EVERYTHING here is a family affair. One man came out from getting his shot and five people left with him.

My intake woman was completely exhausted with my lack of Spanish but my friend actually came in to help. The man there directing traffic was also very helpful and I was I and out in no time. I thanked the woman who gave me my injection and she was nonplussed.

I had tried to shoo my friend away when we arrived and he insisted on staying with me, which I didn’t mind. I joked about what a wuss I am about needles and made him laugh. His name is Davey.

We walked back to his original post and I tried to give him some money for his help. He downright refused to I leaned over and stuffed it in his pocket. That will learn you to be kind to me! In your face!

So if you are anti-vac and anti-mask, get fucked. For those of you in Canada walking casually past a vaccination clinic sneering, serious fucking die already you selfish whiney cunts.